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Advisors have an important leadership role in the LARC. All have worked with us for at least a year in one of our three programs. The Advisors help guide new student staff, plan training and events, and provide general support for the LARC as a whole. They also contribute to our ongoing practices and resources.

Jared I.
Jared I.
Tutors in Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics; Tutorial Program Advisor
Olivia T.
Olivia T.
Tutors in Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics; Tutorial Program Advisor [Embedded in Biol 115]
Jen W.
Jennifer W.
Writing Tutor [Embedded tutor for Engl 101], Writing Center Advisor
Kirah V.
Kirah V.
Writing Tutor, Writing Center Advisor, Student Ambassador
Leslie V.
Leslie V.
Writing Tutor, Writing Center Advisor, Student Ambassador