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For Faculty

Faculty collaboration is critical to the SI Program’s success; however, we understand the busy schedules of our faculty partners. SI works best when the faculty helps support it; however we understand the busy schedules of our faculty partners. Here are a few suggestions of ways you can support SI and your SI Leader that make a big impact without taking up a lot of your time:  

  • Promotion throughout the semester: Regularly allow the SI leader to make brief announcements to encourage student attendance. If possible, allow the SI leader to write their SI session time, location, etc. on the classroom whiteboard, or include in PPT materials. It is also very helpful if the faculty encourages students to attend.  
  • Communicate with your SI leader: It is recommended that faculty communicate with their SI leader regularly to discuss course content, upcoming exams, the progress of the SI sessions, and any other additional questions or concerns that may come up.  
  • Communicate with the LARC: Please let us know if there are ways we can support your or your SI Leader. The earlier we know about any challenges you, the SI Leader, or the students are having, the earlier we can intervene. 
  • Assessment: Faculty members are asked to assist with the distribution of end-of-term surveys and may be asked to share final course grades for the entire course section(s) at the end of the semester. Institutional approval has been given to collect this data and students' rights to privacy regarding this information will be fully protected. This information enables us to determine to what extent students who regularly attend the SI sessions are benefiting from the sessions. 

We recommend that SI faculty partners include a brief “blurb” on Supplemental Instruction in their course syllabi. The linked Google doc description of SI can be modified or simply cut and pasted. We have also provided a syllabus blurb specifically aimed at stretch math Learning Communities (in the same document).

SI Syllabus Blurb 

We also have a Faculty Guide that covers all the basics of working with an SI Leader, including a handy reference table that highlights the differences between SI Leaders and tutors/TAs.

Faculty Guide