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For Students

Challenging class? SI can help!  

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic assistance program that provides FREE weekly, peer-led collaborative group study sessions for students taking historically difficult courses. 
SI sessions meet two to three times a week, throughout the semester and are led by an SI Leader, a student who has already mastered the course material and has been trained to facilitate group study sessions. During an SI session, your SI Leader will facilitate group sessions where students can meet to compare class notes, review and discuss important concepts, develop strategies for studying and prepare for exams.  SI is provided for all students who want to improve their understanding of course material and improve their grades; it is not just for those students who are struggling.

Attendance at SI sessions is free, voluntary, and anonymous.  Students may attend as many times as they choose. SI Sessions begin the second or third week of class and continue throughout the semester. The SI Leader will poll the class for good meeting times, and then a session schedule will be announced in class. 

Think of SI as your guaranteed study time. Your SI Leader will help you make effective use of this time, by sharing strategies they used to be successful in the course. Look at it this way; you have to study anyway, so you might as well do it with friends and an SI Leader who will guide your study efforts!

You can meet our SI Leaders here: SI Leader Profiles