Faculty Services

The LARC is dedicated to collaborating with faculty in our mutual efforts towards student academic success, student support, retention and graduation.  If we are to achieve our goal of being able to assist all students in all disciplines, we must work closely with the instructors who know those students best. If you would like to use our services, or if you have any suggestions for resources beyond those available on our website, please contact us. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

Which Services Will Best Fit My Class Needs?

Wondering which of our programs/services will work best to support your students? Check out the flow chart below (click on it for a larger version).

LARC Intro Tours or Special Presentations

LARC Intro Presentations provide your students with an introduction to our academic support services. The presentations take about 15-20 minutes, and can be held in the LARC or in your classroom! They can also be targeted to particular audiences (i.e. writing heavy courses, or STEM courses, etc.). To request a LARC Intro, please use the following form: LARC Intro Presentations

We are offering some workshops (writing-based or prompt/assignment-specific) and special presentations (study skills, note taking, time management, etc). If you are interested in a focused workshop or special presentation, please contact Loriann Negri, the LARC Director, at loriann.negri@sonoma.edu.  

LARC Syllabus blurb

To inform your students about the LARC and the services that we offer, please use the following statement on your course syllabi or add the LARC Canvas Resource Link to your Canvas Course (just search "LARC" in the Canvas Commons!): 

The SSU Learning and Academic Resources Center (LARC) is located on the first floor of the University Library, and houses three academic support programs for students: the Tutorial Program, Supplemental Instruction Program, and the Writing Center. LARC academic support services are available both in-person and online. All LARC peer educators provide a dynamic, supportive learning environment for undergraduate and graduate students. The Tutorial Program provides one-on-one peer tutoring for a variety of subjects, and the Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program provides study groups for targeted class sections. The Writing Center provides one-on-one peer tutoring for students at all levels, in all disciplines, the Engl 99T program for weekly student support, and peer draft workshops for some classes.

Come chat with us about how you can get help on your essays, study for math tests, and find collaborative study groups for those challenging courses. We are here to support you in being a successful SSU student! Visit the LARC website for more information about supported courses and services, and to make a tutoring appointment.

Writing Center Workshops

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Writing Center Workshops focus on a specific project, paper, or topic. We have a very limited number of spaces/staffing for workshops but are available to discuss possibilities in certain circumstances. Please fill out our workshop request form at least three weeks in advance to allow for scheduling of staff, and for staff preparation. 

Writing Support

Engl 99T is a one unit credit/no credit course that provides students with a reserved weekly session with a peer writing tutor. Meeting with the same tutor for the semester allows for tailored support. Students receive help with any stage of the writing process. Weekly meetings also help students avoid procrastination. Writing from any course is suitable for Engl 99T sessions, as our writing tutors support interdisciplinary writing. While first year students often benefit from these sessions, students in any major, at any grade level can take the course. The course number for Fall 2024 is 1543. There is a flyer you can download and share as well: Engl 99T Flyer for Fall 2024

Engl 99T is a non-weighted course and does not count toward GE units, but can be counted toward financial aid and scholarships.