Supplemental Instruction Program

SSU’s Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program is a FREE academic support program that utilizes peer-assisted study sessions to increase student success in historically difficult courses. The goal of SI is to foster collaborative learning and help students connect “what” to learn with “how” to learn.
- SI is open to all students in the class who want to enhance their understanding of the course material and improve their grade; it is not remedial.
- SI targets high-risk courses rather than high-risk students.
- SI is active learning in small groups, led by an SI leader; it is not lecture or study-group tutoring.
- SI research shows one-hour of an SI Session is as effective as 2 ½ hours of personal study time and that students who consistently attend SI tend to earn higher course grades.
You can meet our student leaders in Supplemental Instruction here: SI Leader Profiles
SI/LC Session List
Check out our SPRING 2025 COURSE SUPPORT LIST! SI courses are listed on the second tab. Session times and locations, along with information on computer science embedded tutoring, and drop-in services, will be added soon.
Our Mission
The SSU Supplemental Instruction program is committed to the University's strategic goals of promoting graduation, retention, and student success through inclusive support services.
Supplemental Instruction strives to meet the academic needs of all SSU enrolled students through weekly, informal review sessions in which students compare notes, discuss readings, develop organizational tools, and predict test items. Students learn how to integrate course content and study skills while working together. SI sessions are facilitated by SI Leaders. These are faculty-recommended students who have already mastered the course material and are trained to facilitate collaborative group learning. SI Leaders attend lectures, take notes, model successful student behavior, and plan weekly study sessions. We value the Supplemental Instruction program as a safe, inclusive space for students to find the academic support they need.
Got more questions about our services? Check out our FAQs