Computer Science Drop-In/Tutoring Notes
How Computer Science Drop-In/Tutoring Works
As of right now, the CS tutors' hours are intended to support a specific class: CS 115, CS 215, or CS 315. Historically, that is where CS faculty have wanted the support focused. We do have more of a generalist CS tutor working in the LARC space this semester as well. Here is the process we would like you all (Student Ambassadors) follow:
- For Fall 2024, we will have a CS tutor on the schedule for appointments. Courses covered will be CS 101, CS 115, CS 210, CS 215, CS 242, CS 252. However...
- For students who need help with CS 115, 215, or 315 make sure you are sharing the hours for that specific class. If for some reason they cannot make any of the drop-in hours for that class, you can refer them to our in-house (on schedule) tutor. If his hours do not work for them either, refer the student to Molly Mande (they can email her if she is not around). She may be able to let them attend drop-in for a different course, but she need to check with the tutors ahead of time.
For students who need help with a different CS course, you should refer the student to Molly Mande. She will check which tutors have taken that course and then reach out to them to see if they are ok with the student attending their drop-in/scheduled times to get help with a different class. Most of them are fine with it, but she needs to clear it with them so they don't feel blindsided.